Source: Necromunda Core Rulebook (2023)
A fighter’s Status is always either Standing and Active, Standing and Engaged, Prone and Pinned or Prone and Seriously Injured, but they may also be subject to one or more of the following Conditions. Conditions are denoted by placing a Condition marker either next to the fighter on the battlefield or on their Fighter card as a reminder that the Condition is in effect. Some Conditions can also affect vehicles, in these cases the Condition marker is placed either next to the vehicle or on their Vehicle card.
The following list of Conditions is not exhaustive. Some Conditions are common and will apply to a model many times during a battle. Others are less common and may be the result of an attack from a weapon with a certain Trait; the full rules for such Conditions can be found in the corresponding Weapon Trait rules. Other Conditions, in particular Out of Ammo, may apply specifically to a weapon the model carries rather than the model themselves. A model may be subject to several Conditions at the same time.
Any in-game effect that results in a marker being placed on a model should be considered a Condition.
Common Conditions
The following Conditions are those most commonly used. A model can become subject to them for numerous reasons:
The most simple but arguably the most important Condition. At the start of each round, during the Priority phase, all models will have a Ready marker placed on them. Once that model has activated during the Action phase, this marker is removed, indicating that the model may not be activated again.
A fighter may become Broken as the result of either seeing a friendly fighter Seriously Injured or taken Out of Action within 3" of them, or seeing a friendly vehicle Wrecked within 6" of them. Broken fighters may not perform any actions other than Running for Cover (Double), which they perform every time they are activated. If Standing and Engaged, a Broken fighter may only make Reaction attacks, and must apply a -2 modifier to their Hit rolls. Broken fighters may be rallied in the End phase.
A vehicle may become Broken as the result of seeing a friendly vehicle Wrecked within 6" of them. Broken vehicles may not perform any actions other than Break For Air (Double) if Mobile or Burn Out (Double) if Stationary and Stalled, which they perform every time they are activated. Broken vehicles may be rallied in the End phase.
Out Of Ammo
Should a model roll the Ammo symbol on the Firepower dice, they are required to make an immediate Ammo test for that weapon. If this is failed, that weapon is now Out of Ammo. To represent this, a marker is placed on the appropriate weapon profile on the model’s Fighter card or Vehicle card as a reminder that the weapon cannot be used until it has been reloaded.
Note that, unlike other Conditions, Out of Ammo is applied to a weapon carried by a model rather than the model themselves. It is therefore possible for a model to have multiple Out of Ammo markers on them at one time, indicating more than one weapon is subject to the Condition.
These are suffered as a result of Injury dice rolls made against a fighter, or the Driver Wounded result on the Crew Damage table. A fighter can suffer multiple Flesh Wounds, each of which reduces their Toughness characteristic by 1 for the remainder of the battle. If a fighter is reduced to Toughness 0 as a result of multiple Flesh Wounds, they go Out of Action.
Other Conditions
The following Conditions are less frequently seen, but are no less significant. Models may become subject to them as the result of an attack from a weapon with a certain Trait, or as the result of a scenario or terrain special rule:
How the Blaze condition affects a model depends upon whether it is a fighter or vehicle. Regardless of model type, models subject to the Blaze condition can never become Hidden and cannot make Reaction attacks.
Fighter: When activated, a fighter subject to the Blaze condition suffers an immediate S3, AP -1, D1 hit (see Resolving Hits) and must act as follows, after which their activation will end:
- If Prone and Pinned, the fighter immediately becomes Standing and Active and acts as described below.
- If Standing and Active, the fighter moves 2D6" in a random direction, determined by the Scatter dice. The fighter will stop moving if this movement would bring them within 1" of an enemy fighter or into base contact with impassable terrain. If this movement brings them within ½" of the edge of a level or platform, they risk falling. If this movement takes the fighter beyond the edge of a level or platform, they will simply fall. At the end of this move, the fighter may choose to become Prone and Pinned. The fighter may then attempt to put the fire out.
- If Standing and Engaged or Prone and Seriously Injured, the fighter does not move and attempts to put the fire out.
To attempt to put the fire out, roll a D6, adding 1 to the result for each other Active friendly fighter within 1". On a roll of 6 or more, the flames go out and the Blaze condition is removed. Prone and Pinned or Seriously Injured fighters add 2 to the roll to see if the flames go out.
There are a huge number of Conditions in Necromunda, unless stated otherwise they do not affect vehicles at all.
Vehicles: When activated, a vehicle subject to the Blaze condition suffers an immediate S3, AP -1, D1 hit against the Rear Toughness (roll location as normal, see Resolving Hits Against Vehicles). They must then make a Cool test:
- If passed, nothing happens, they can continue their activation as normal.
- If failed and the vehicle is Mobile, they act as if they had failed a Loss of Control test then their activation ends.
- If failed and the vehicle is Stationary and Stalled, they must perform the Burn Out (Double) action then their activation ends.
At the end of their activation, roll a D6. On a 4+, the flames go out and the Blaze condition is removed.
When hit by a weapon with the Flash trait, a fighter or vehicle risks becoming Blind. A Blind model loses their Ready marker; if they do not have a Ready marker, they do not gain a Ready marker at the start of the following round. Until the next time the model is activated, they cannot make any attacks other than Reaction attacks, for which any hit rolls will only succeed on a natural 6 (note: vehicles cannot make Reaction attacks).
Any fighter hit by a Concussion weapon will have their Initiative reduced by 2, to a minimum of 6+, until the end of the round. Any vehicle hit by a Concussion weapon will suffer a -2 penalty to all Handling tests until the end of the round.
Some scenarios or terrain special rules, such as the Visibility rules allow models to gain the Hidden condition. Hidden models can then lose this Condition over the course of a game by gaining the Revealed condition.
There are numerous special rules that can cause a model to become intoxicated. These include certain skills, special rules associated with terrain or Wargear, and more besides. Whatever the cause, the ways in which the Intoxicated condition affects a model are many and varied, and will be detailed by the special rules that cause the Condition.
Certain skills, some types of terrain and some scenario rules may lead a model to become temporarily insane. Models that have become subject to the Insane condition for any reason can act quite erratically when activated. When activating an Insane model, roll a D6 and consult the table below:
- D6: 1-2
- Result: The model immediately becomes Broken – or, if they were already Broken, they flee the battlefield (even if their gang has not failed a Bottle check).
- D6: 3-4
- Result: The opposing player can control the Insane model for the duration of this activation, treating them as part of their gang in all respects until their activation ends. As soon as their activation ends, the Insane model no longer counts as being a part of the opposing gang. In the case of a multi-player game, the winner of a roll-off between the other players will control the Insane model.
- D6: 5-6
- Result: The model can act as normal for the duration of this activation. Once their activation is over, make a Willpower test for them. If it is passed, they lose their Insanity marker.
Roll a willpower check at the end of activation to see if they become sane.
While a fighter is Webbed, treat them as if they were Seriously Injured and roll for Recovery for them during the End phase (Web contains a powerful sedative capable of rendering the strongest fighter unconscious). If a Flesh Wound result is rolled during Recovery, apply the result to the fighter as usual and remove the Webbed condition. If a Serious Injury result is rolled, the fighter remains Webbed, but they do not gain a Flesh Wound. If an Out of Action result is rolled, the fighter succumbs to the powerful sedative and is removed from play. Instead of rolling on the Lasting Injury table, roll a D6 to determine what happens to them – on a result of 1-4 suffer the 15-26 (Out Cold) result, on a 5-6 they suffer the 55-56 (Captured) result (see the Lasting Injury Table).
A fighter that is Webbed at the end of the battle does not succumb to their Injuries and will automatically recover.
Several items of Wargear, ranging from beasts of burden to Waster’s dirtbikes, give the fighter the Mounted condition. This comprises of the following group of rules:
Hands Full: A fighter that is Mounted reduces the total number of weapons they can carry by one and cannot be equipped with any weapon with the Unwieldy trait unless it also has the Lance trait. In addition, they can never use more than one weapon in close combat.
When fighting with a weapon with the Paired trait, a fighter subject to the Mounted condition does not gain a bonus attack for being equipped with two close combat weapons, nor do they double their Attacks characteristic when they perform a Charge (Double) action.
Ride By: A Mounted fighter may move within 1" of a single enemy model when performing a Move (Simple) action. When doing so, or if within Long range of a weapon with the Versatile trait, the fighter may interrupt their movement to make a single close combat attack against that model. However, that model may attempt to make a single Reaction attack. If this fighter is hit, use the distance they have moved during this activation instead of their last activation to determine the strength of the hit they take (see “I Get Knocked Down…”).
Quick Retreat: A Mounted fighter may add a +2 modifier to their Initiative test when attempting to perform a Retreat (Basic) action.
Grounded: A Mounted fighter cannot climb terrain or vehicles.
My Mount is my Life: A Mounted fighter may have two different Fighter cards even if they do not have the Tools of the Trade special rule, in which case the only difference allowed is the presence of their mount. A fighter stranded in the wastes without their mount is in dire trouble, and therefore a fighter can never become separated from its mount mid-battle.
“I Get Knocked Down…”: A Mounted fighter does not automatically become Prone and Pinned when hit by a ranged attack. Instead, they immediately make an Initiative test (applying a -1 modifier if they were hit by a weapon with either the Blast (3"/5"/*) or Knockback traits). If this test is passed, the fighter does not become Prone and Pinned but remains Standing and Active. If this test is failed, they are Knocked Down.
When a Mounted fighter is Knocked Down, they immediately suffer an automatic hit. The Strength, AP and Damage of this hit is determined by how far the fighter moved during their last activation, rounded up to the nearest inch:
Distance Moved | Strength | AP | Damage |
0"-5" | 3 | - | 1 |
6"-9" | 5 | -1 | 1 |
10"+ | 7 | -2 | 2 |
After this hit has been resolved, the fighter changes their status to Prone and Pinned. In order to perform the Stand Up (Basic) action, a Prone and Pinned fighter subject to the Mounted condition must pass an Initiative test. If this test is passed, the fighter changes their status to Standing and Active. If this test is failed, the action is wasted and they remain Prone and Pinned.
Additional Conditions
When hit by a Gunked weapon:
- -1” M (minimum 1").
- Don’t add D3" when Charging.
- -1 modifier to Initiative.
- Blaze trigger on 2+.
Applies to fighters not given meat portions, normally in Uprising campaign during phase 3 (Damnation).