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List Of Underhells Campaign Territories

Source: The Book of Desolation (2024)

Old Bunker - Dead Zone

A remnant of the war for Hive Secundis, this collection of fortified bunkers has managed to survive, and through ruined offers shelters and good vantage points to provide early warnings of attacks.

Territory Boons

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Recruit: While a gang controls this Territory, they may add a Gang Lookout to their gang rooster for free.

Abandoned Battlefield - Dead Zone

The Dead Zone is littered with the buried remains of the battles between the Cult of the Second Son and Necromunda's planetary defence force. Occasionally, the ever-present storms will reveal one of these sites - a prime location for scavenging before it becomes buried again.

Territory Boons

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Special: While a gang contcols this Territory, they may add 2 to the Availability Level when they perform a Trade post-battle action.

Hidden Holdfast - Dead Zone

The Dead Zone is full of buried passages, from those dug by the Cult of the Second Son to try to break the defence lines to trenches half-buried by centuries of storms. These can make secure camps and also provide unexpected entry to other areas.

Territory Boons

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Special: While a gang contcols this Territory, during step 6 of the pre-battle sequence, D3 of their fighters gain the Infiltrate skill for the duration of the battle.

Abandoned Promethium Station - Dead Zone

Before the Dust Wall was erected and the Dead zone became cut off from the rest of Necromunda, it was a prosperous and busy nexus of trade. Some of the old promethium refuelling stations can still be found and if a gang is very lucky, there may ve the last dregs of fuel that can be taken to keep their vehicles running.

Territory Boons

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Special: While a gang contcols this Territory, all vehicles in their crew increase their Movement characteristic by 1".

Crashed Stratoplane - Dead Zone

Weather abandoned during the war for Hive Secundus or shot down trying to cross the Dust Wall, the carcasses of stratoplanes offer shelter from Necromunda's atmosåhere and are also a rich source of scrap.

Territory Boons

Income: The gang earns 3D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Fallen Crane - Dead Zone

The Secundan Abyss is ringed with huge cranes to allow monitoring of the conditions below. During the centuries following the destruction of Hive Secundus, many of these behemoths have fallen either due to sabotage, neglect or just bad luck. They now act as a refuge for many of the dispossessed inhabitants of the Dead Zone with nowhere else to go.

Territory Boons

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Recruit: While a gang controls this Territory, during step 6 of the pre-battle sequence, they may add D3 Hive scum to their starting gang for free for the duration of the battle.

Forlorn Waystation - Secundan Abyss

The laws of nature are warped down in the Secundan Abyss; supplies that were laid up a week ago have rotted with age when revisited, whilst others are still fresh decades later. Waystations found within this mutable landscape offers brief island of sanity before ventuting once more into the Abyss.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Special: While a gang contcols this Territory, after both gangs have been deployed but before the first roll for Priority, D3 of their models may perform a Move (Simple) action.

Gutted Rig - Secundan Abyss

With a lack of new parts flowing in from the great industriat factories of Necromunda, every rig operating within the Secundan Abyss is kept going by salvaging parts from other rigs, These donor rigs are then abandoned, though there ar often still useful equipment to be found within.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Special: While a gang controls this Territory, they may add up to D6x10 credits worth of equipment from their Gang Equipment List to their Stash during the post-battle sequence for free.

Girder Forest - Secundan Abyss

As the spire of Hive Secundus fell it broke up, scattering debris across the Secundan Abyss. Within the vast forests of plasteel girders and reinforced walls, large hulking menaces take shelter and if a gang is carefur they can be persuaded to help.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Recruit: While a gang controls this Territory, during step 6 of the pre-battle sequence, they may add a Brute to their starting gang for free for the duration of the battle.

Hunters Enclave - Secundan Abyss

Some of those who travel to the ruins of Hive Secundus become obsessed with the hunt for Malstrains. Unable to draw themselves away from the Secundan Abyss, they band together in enclaves to keep the Malstrain under control.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Recruit: Whilst it controls this Territory, the gang may recruit a Bounty Hunter for free prior to every battle.

Hab Scrap - Secundan Abyss

Like all hives, Hive Secundus had huge sprawling hab complexes throughout to house the Sham workforce needed to keep the sophisticated hive running. Despite years of teams picking through their carcass, there still remains much of value hidden within these ruins.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns 3D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Fortified Camp - Secundan Abyss

Few are brave (or perhaps foolhardy) enough to make their homes within the Secundan Abyss; those that do turn their dwellings into fortresses, bristling with whatever weapons they can scavenge to hold off the terrors of the Malstrain.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Recruit: While a gang controls this Territory, they may add an Ammo-jack to their gang roster for free.

Collapsed Dome - Underhells

When the gravitonic charges blasted apart Hive Secundus, toppling it once glorious spire, the shockwave ran through the entire structure, even into the underhive, cutting off many sections and causing most of the domes within to collapse. These domes are even more highly sought than their counterparts in other underhives for the treasures they may hold within.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Special: While a gang controls this Territory, they may generate an additional gang tactic at random during step 7 of the pre-battle sequence.

Haunted Halls - Underhells

Secundus is a dead hive, destroyed from orbit by a withering hail of weapons fire. Within the depths of the Underhells, the essence of all those that died becomes a tangible presence, but for those that can withstand it the maze of tunnels offers shortcuts.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Special: While a gang controls this Territory, during step 6 of the pre-battle sequence, D3+1 of their fighters gain the infiltrate skill for the duration of the battle.

Thermal Abyss - Underhells

Within the heart of the Underhells, the remnants of the thermal heat sink that used to power the hive still sputters away, allowing those who shelter there a chance to rest and salvage equipment from the abandoned machinery before delving deeper.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns 3D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Fortified Dome - Underhells

Many gangs have met their end within the depths of the Underhells, the survivors banding together in small fortified bases where they try to survive, all dreams of treasure forgotten.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns D3x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Recruit: While a gang controls this Territory, during step 6 of the pre-battle sequence they may add a Ganger with up to 50 credits worth of equipment to their starting gang for free for the duration of the battle.

Cogitator Nexus - Underhells

Renowned as a centre of science and culture, Hive Secundus had many domes dedicated to huge banks of advanced cogitator arrays. Although far from the wonders of technology they once were, there are still some that function at a small fraction of their original potential.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Special: While a gang controls this Territory, once per battle they may automatically win the roll for Priority - this is declared before the dice are rolled.

Xenos Boneyard Nexus - Underhells

Hive Secundus did not fall without a fight; within the barely-lit depths of the Underhells are corridors and chambers buried under piles of bones, both xenos and human. Whether the site of battles fought long ago, or the bones collected by the Malstrain for purposes unknown, fighters can adorn themselves with these grisly remains as a way of trying to unsettle their opponents.

Territory Boon

Income: The gang earns 2D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.

Special: While a gang controls this Territory, during step 6 of the pre-battle sequence D3 fighters gain the Fearsome skill for the duration of the battle.