Gang Specific Skills
D6 | Piety House Cawdor | Obfuscation House Delaque | Finesse House Escher | Muscle House Goliath | Bravado House Orlock | Tech House Van Saar |
1 | Lord of the Rats | Faceless | Acrobatic | Fists of Steel | Big Brother | Cold & Calculating |
2 | Scavenger's Eye | Psi-touched | Combat Focus | Iron Man | Bring it on! | Gadgeteer |
3 | Blazing Faith | Take Down | Combat Virtuoso | Immovable Stance | Guilder Contacts | Mental Mastery |
4 | Unshakable Conviction | Rumour-monger | Hit & Run | Naaargah! | King Hit | Photonic Engineer |
5 | Devotional Frenzy | Fake Out | Lightning Reflexes | Unleash the Beast | Shotgun Savant | Rad-phaged |
6 | Restless Faith | Doppelganger | Somersault | Walk It Off | Steady Hands | Weaponsmith |
D6 | Palanite Drill Palanite Enforcers | Savagery Corpse Grinder Cult | Wastelands Ash Wastes Nomads | Wisdom of the Ancients Ironhead Squat Prospectors |
1 | Got Your Six | Avatar of Blood | Born of the Wastes | Where There's Scrap, There's Creds! |
2 | Helmar's Justice | Bloodlust | Stormwalker | Nobody Pushes Kin Around |
3 | Non-verbal Communication | Crimson Haze | Eyes of the Wasteland | Chemical Bonds Never Break |
4 | Restraint Protocols | Frenzy | Beast Handler | Dependable Like Kin |
5 | Team Work | Killing Blow | Ever Vigilant | Stubborn to the Last |
6 | Threat Response | Slaughterborn | Bring it Down | There's Always Another Secret |
Source: House of Faith
1. Lord of the Rats
Friendly Juve (or Prospect) fighters that are within 12" of this fighter and can draw line of sight to them may apply a +2 modifier to their Cool checks and Willpower checks. Rats, including Necromunda Rats, Bomb Delivery Rats and any rats that feature in a battle due to a scenario or environment special rule, that end their movement within 3" of the fighter are immediately moved by the smallest amount possible so they are at least 3" away from the fighter.
2. Scavenger's Eye
During any scenario that features loot markers, scrap or any kind of harvested goods that are then transformed into credits at the end of the battle, the fighter’s gang may add an additional +1 to the dice roll for determining their worth. For example, if a scenario called for the gathering of loot and each loot marker held by the gang at the end of the battle was worth D3x10 credits, then each one would grant the fighter’s gang (D3+1)x10 credits.
3. Blazing Faith
Should this fighter ever become subject to the Blaze condition, they may continue to act normally rather than acting as determined by the Trait and the condition – though they may still suffer damage each time they activate as normal. In addition, this fighter ignores the effects of the Insanity condition.
4. Unshakable Conviction
This fighter may make reaction attacks while Seriously Injured and cannot be the target of a Coup De Grace (Simple) action. In addition, whilst Seriously Injured this fighter may perform the Flock Together (Double) action:
Flock Together (Double): This fighter may move a distance equal to their Movement characteristic plus D3", provided they move directly towards a friendly House Cawdor fighter.
5. Devotional Frenzy
When this fighter is activated, their controlling player may declare they will use this skill. Until the start of their next activation, improve their Weapon Skill, Cool, Leadership and Willpower characteristics by D3, rolling separately for each characteristic. At the end of their activation, the fighter immediately suffers an automatic Damage 1 hit which cannot be saved. Devotional Frenzy can only be declared once per round.
6. Restless Faith
During the Choose Crew step of the pre-battle sequence, this fighter may be taken out of Recovery (see the Necromunda Rulebook) and included in the deck of available fighters. If this is done and the fighter takes part in the battle, they begin the battle with a single Flesh Wound.
Source: House of Shadows
1. Faceless
From the start of each round until after this fighter has activated, enemy fighters must pass a Willpower check to target them with a ranged attack, or place a Blast marker so that it is touching their base. If the check is failed, the enemy fighter may choose another target.
2. Psi-touched
The fighter may re-roll Willpower checks when attempting to activate Wyrd Powers or to resist them. When visiting the Black Market as part of the postbattle sequence, the fighter may always choose to purchase Ghast without the need to make an Availability roll.
3. Take Down
When this fighter takes an enemy fighter Out of Action, place that enemy fighter to one side. At the end of the battle, if this fighter’s gang has won the scenario, then instead of using the normal method for determining if enemy fighters are captured, roll a D6 for each enemy fighter that was taken Out of Action and placed aside by this fighter. On a 4+, this fighter has the choice of automatically capturing that enemy fighter. As normal, a gang cannot capture more than a single fighter after a battle.
4. Rumour-monger
The fighter can perform the Despicable Rumours postbattle action during the post-battle actions step of the post-battle sequence:
Despicable Rumours: Make an Intelligence check for the fighter. If they pass, reduce the Reputation of the gang(s) they just faced by D3 and increase the Reputation of this fighter’s own gang by an equal amount.
5. Fake Out
When making the roll to determine the scenario during the pre-battle sequence, this fighter’s gang may roll three D6 rather than the usual two. One of these dice (chosen by the player) must be discarded.
6. Doppelganger
During the Select Crews step of the pre-battle sequence, this fighter’s gang may attempt to include an extra fighter than normally allowed by the scenario. Have the leader of the enemy gang make an Intelligence check. If they fail, this fighter’s gang may include one extra fighter in their starting crew.
Source: House of Blades
1. Acrobatic
While this fighter is Active, they may ignore enemy fighters when making a Move (Simple) action or a Charge (Double) action. In effect, this allows them to move over other fighters. Note that they must still adhere to the 1" rule once their movement is complete. This fighter may also cross any barricade or linear terrain feature up to 2" high without a reduction in movement.
2. Combat Focus
For every enemy fighter either Out of Action or Seriously Injured, place a token on this fighter’s Fighter card. This fighter adds 1 to their Willpower and Cool checks for each token on their Fighter card. Note that a result of 2 for either a Willpower or Cool check is still a failure regardless of modifiers.
3. Combat Virtuoso
Any chainswords, fighting knives, power knives, power swords, stiletto knives and stiletto swords wielded by this fighter gain the Versatile trait with a Long range equal to this fighter’s Strength characteristic.
4. Hit & Run
After making a Charge (Double) action, this fighter may make a Retreat (Basic) action for free before their opponent makes any reaction attacks. Note that even if the Retreat action is unsuccessful, this fighter’s opponent may only make reaction attacks once.
5. Lightning Reflexes
When this fighter is Engaged by an enemy fighter, this fighter may attempt to make a Retreat (Basic) action for free before the enemy fighter makes any attacks or additional actions.
Whether or not the Retreat action was successful, this fighter may only use this skill once per round. Note that if this fighter has a Ready marker, they may still activate as normal.
6. Somersault
This fighter gains the ability to perform the Somersault (Basic) action while they are Standing and Active:
Somersault (Basic): Place the fighter anywhere within 6" of their current position, provided they can see the point they wish to move to before they are placed. Note that the fighter must still adhere to the 1" rule when being placed. Using this action does not count as moving for the purposes of effects that are triggered by movement and for the firing of weapons with the Unwieldy trait.
Source: House of Chains
1. Fists of Steel
Unarmed attacks made by this fighter count as having a Strength 2 higher than normal and inflict 2 damage.
2. Iron Man
This fighter’s Toughness is not reduced by Flesh Wounds. However, if this fighter suffers a number of Flesh Wounds equal to their Toughness characteristic, they will go Out of Action as normal.
3. Immovable Stance
This fighter may perform the Tank (Double) action during their activation:
Tank (Double): Until the start of this fighter’s next activation, this fighter increases their armour save by 2 to a maximum of 2+ and cannot be moved from their current location by any skills such as Hurl or Overseer, or any weapon traits such as Knockback or Drag, nor can they be Pinned.
4. Naaargah
During this fighter’s activation they may attempt to perform a third action after completing their first two. Roll a D6. If the dice roll is equal to or less than their Toughness then they perform the action. If the roll is greater than their Toughness, or is a 6, their activation ends immediately. Whether or not they were successful, when their activation ends, this fighter is automatically Pinned (this Pinning cannot be negated by skills such as Nerves of Steel).
5. Unleash the Beast
This fighter may perform the Flex (Simple) action while they are Active and Engaged:
Flex (Simple): All fighters (friend or foe) in base contact with this fighter must pass a Strength check or be pushed D3" directly away from this fighter, stopping only if they come into contact with another fighter or an impassable terrain feature. If there are multiple enemies being pushed, the player controlling this fighter chooses in which order they are moved.
6. Walk It Off
Should this fighter perform two or more Move (Simple) actions during their activation, they can make a Toughness check at the end of their activation. If this check is passed, this fighter may recover one lost Wound or discard a single Flesh Wound.
Source: House of Iron
1. Big Brother
Whilst this fighter is Standing and Active, any friendly fighter with the Gang Fighter (X) special rule that is within 9" and line of sight of this fighter may use this fighter’s Cool characteristic for Nerve tests instead of their own.
2. Bring it on
The fighter gains the ability to make the Issue Challenge (Basic) action:
Issue Challenge (Basic): Choose an enemy fighter within 12". Until the end of this round, or until the chosen fighter is attacked by a friendly fighter, they must make a Willpower check if they wish to make a ranged or close combat attack that targets any fighter other than the fighter who issued the challenge (fighters that have been challenged ignore the normal rules for target priority as detailed in the Necromunda Rulebook).
3. Guilder Contacts
Any Bounty Hunters and Hive Scum hired by this fighter’s gang will reduce their hiring fee by D6x10 credits to a minimum of 20 credits. Roll separately for each Bounty Hunter and Hive Scum hired.
4. King Hit
When making an unarmed attack this fighter may choose to roll a single Attack dice, irrespective of their Attacks characteristic or any other bonuses. If they choose to do so, the attack gains the Knockback, Shock, Pulverise and Concussion traits.
5. Shotgun Savant
When armed with a shotgun of any type (including combat shotguns and sawn-off shotguns), this fighter may choose to use the shotgun’s Short range Accuracy modifier when making shots at Long range. In addition, when rolling the dice to determine the number of hits from a shotgun with the Scattershot trait, this fighter may roll two D6 and choose the highest.
6. Steady Hands
When this fighter is activated, before declaring their first action, this fighter may perform a Reload (Simple) action for free. This does not prevent them from performing the same action once or twice more during their activation should they choose.
Source: House of Artifice
1. Cold & Calculating
Once per round, when making a Cool or Willpower check, this fighter may make the check against their Intelligence characteristic instead.
2. Gadgeteer
If this fighter is in the starting crew, prior to the first turn, they may modify the Weapon Traits of any weapon they carry that has the Plentiful trait. If they do so, until the end of the battle the weapon loses the Plentiful trait and gains one of the following, as chosen by the controlling player: Knockback, Pulverise, Rending or Shock. Alternatively, a Plentiful weapon with the Rapid Fire (X) trait can add one to the X value. E.g., a Rapid Fire (1) would become Rapid Fire (2).
3. Mental Mastery
This fighter cannot become subject to the Insane condition. In addition, if this fighter is chosen as the target of a Wyrd Power, and is Standing and Active or Prone and Pinned, they may attempt to Disrupt the power as if they were a Psyker.
4. Photonic Engineer
This fighter may apply a +1 modifier to the Strength characteristic of all las weapons used by them. Doing so, however, causes the weapon to gain the Unstable trait. In addition, this fighter may re-roll failed Ammo checks with las weaponry, provided the weapon does not have the Unstable trait.
5. Rad-phaged
When this fighter is hit by a weapon with the Gas or Toxin traits, the opposing player must roll two D6 and discard the highest roll when rolling to see if this fighter is affected.
In addition, should this fighter suffer a hit from a weapon with the Rad-phage trait, roll an additional D6 as normal. However, on a roll of 4 or higher, they do not suffer an additional Flesh Wound. Instead, the fighter may discard a Flesh Wound they have already suffered.
Finally, in any scenario that uses the Pitch Black rules, this fighter always counts as being Revealed.
6. Weaponsmith
Any weapons this fighter is equipped with lose the Scarce trait if it has it. Any weapons this fighter is equipped with will gain the Plentiful trait if it does not have the Scarce trait. Weapons that already have the Plentiful trait gain no additional benefit from this skill.
Palanite Enforcers: Palanite Drill
Source: Book of Judgement
1. Got Your Six
Can be used when all conditions are true:
- Once per round.
- Active.
- Visible enemy declares a Charge (Double) action.Interrupt the Activation by performing a Shoot (Basic) action against the enemy fighter. If Pinned or Seriously Injured as a result, the Activation ends immediately (no actions are made).
2. Helmar's Justice
When making Coup de Grace, inflict 2 Lasting Injury rolls and choose which of the 2 results to apply.
3. Non-verbal Communication
Can spend a Double action (Comms) action if Active:A friendly fighter within 6” can pass a Cool test to gain 360° vision arc until the End phase of this round.
4. Restraint Protocols
Add +1 when rolling to determine if an enemy fighter is Captured for each enemy this fighter has taken Out of Action with a Coup de Grace (originally Restrain (Simple) action).
5. Team Work
Group Activation (+1). Unlocks the Group Activation ability for fighters that don’t already have it.
6. Threat Response
Can be used when all conditions are true:
- Is Ready.
- Active.
- An enemy ends the movement within 6” after making a Charge (Double) action.
Interrupt the Activation by performing a Charge (Double) action against the enemy fighter, including the Fight (Basic) action. Afterwards, this fighter is no longer Ready.
Finally, the enemy can continue the Charge action and make the attacks as normal.
Corpse Grinder Cult: Savagery
Source: Book of Ruin
1. Avatar of Blood
Discard a Flesh Wound for every unsaved wound inflicted against an enemy with a Melee weapon.
2. Bloodlust
Consolidate 2” after performing a Coup de Grace.
3. Crimson Haze
Automatically pass Nerve tests when Engaged.
4. Frenzy
Gain +D3 Attacks and -1 hit modifier when charging.
5. Killing Blow
Can opt to roll a single Killing Blow attack instead of normal close combat attacks. This attack can't be made with a Sidearm. If hit, double the Strength and Damage. No Armour Save can be made.
6. Slaughterborn
Add +1” Move for every unsaved wound inflicted against an enemy with a Melee weapon. Lasts for the rest of the battle.
Ash Wastes Nomads: Wastelands
Source: Book of the Outlands
1. Born of the Wastes
- Ash Wastes: Ignore Battlefield Surface effects.
- Sector Mechanicus & Zone Mortalis:Can perform the Hide in the Wastes (Double) action if at least 12" from any enemies:
- Become Hidden (even in battles without Pitch Black).
- Become Revealed if moving (in addition to normal triggers).
2. Stormwalker
+2" M if starting an activation on the Battlefield Surface.
3. Eyes of the Wasteland
- Gain Visibility (+6").
- Can see 9" in Pitch Black.
4. Beast Handler
If Mounted, melee attacks (Fight & Reaction) include an additional attack with S3 and AP-1.
5. Ever Vigilant
When making Reaction Attacks:
- +1A
- Ignore the penalty for turning to face the opponent.
6. Bring it Down
Can spend a Basic action (Bring it Down) and target an enemy in LOS. For this round, apply the following to all friendly fighters (including this fighter) when targeting that enemy:
- Ignore Target Priority against that enemy for Shoot (Basic) actions.
- Re-roll to hit with Shoot (Basic) actions.
Ironhead Squat Prospectors: Wisdom of the Ancients
Source: Book of the Outlands
1. Where There's Scrap, There's Creds
While not Captured or In Recovery, gain an additional D6x10 credits per wrecked enemy vehicle.
2. Nobody Pushes Kin Around
- Never moved by weapon trait or skill (used against this fighter).
- Automatically pass any Initiative test to avoid falling when becoming Pinned close to an edge.
3. Chemical Bonds Never Break
Can use a Chem twice (before being consumed/removed).
4. Dependable Like Kin
- Equipped weapons ignore Unstable.
- Re-roll any ammo test.
5. Stubborn to the Last
Before being taken out of Action, make a Shoot/Fight (Basic) action (even if not Ready).
6. There's Always Another Secret
Gain D6x10 credits when opening a Loot casket.